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Mig Welding 101

  • 03/02/2024
  • 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • snoco maker space
  • 3


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Intro to MIG Welding

This class is geared towards people who have never welded or have very little experience welding. In

this class we’ll cover the following items:

1. What is welding?

2. How to set up the machine.

3. Proper welding clothing and gear.

4. Basic weld joints.

5. Basic fabrication techniques.

Welding is an art and the only way to become good is practice. This class will teach you the basics of how to get a good weld so you can practice good techniques in the future. We’ll spend a little time on

how to set up the machine, but most of it will be spent practicing basic welds. Material will be provided,

but if you have something you’d like to bring, please feel free, however we will only be welding steel in

this class.

Welding produces sparks, lots of sparks so NO open toed shoes or synthetic clothes will be allowed. If you show up in Crocs or nylon/polyester, you will be asked to leave. Please wear clothes you do not care about, as you will likely leave with holes in them. You will also need a welding helmet and gloves.

We have a few to loan out but they are not the best so its in your best interest to purchase your own. I have had good luck with this helmet and any welding glove that fits your hands will work. You may also

want a welding shirt/sleeves, chaps/pants and a cap. All this can be found on amazon with a simple search.

SnoCo Makers organization is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation.

EIN: 47-3499005

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